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Hashimoto’s webinars is a free webinar serie. Dr. Anna Huysse is committed to contribute to the release of the suffering of autoimmune diseases, in particular Hashimoto. As an established scientist she searches answers in the academics. Hashimoto’s webinars are meant to open a discussion about Hashimoto’s between experts from different disciplines and health professionals, Hashimoto patients, anyone who is interested in this topic.
Anna sees this initiative as a step towards engaging different partners in searching for an adequate help for Hashimoto patients as well as preventing this disease.
The first webinar ‘Anger and immune system’ with Prof. Russell Kolts took place on 7th September 2016.
Do you face difficulties dealing with anger? Or it might be that anger has been your safe strategy? Are you asking yourself: ‘Am I this angry person or is this a symptom?’
This webinar provides:
- an understanding about the role anger is playing in your health, in particular in immunity
- insights about the importance of anger in the Hashimoto healing
- some practical tools
The second webinar ‘Self-criticism and autoimmunity’ with Prof. Paul Gilbert was on 28th September 2016.
Our threat system is easily conditioned. We can be threatened both by external and internal (as self-criticism) threats. Prof. Paul Gilbert and Dr. Anna Huysse describe the origin of self-critic and highlight how Compassion Focused Therapy can help people with autoimmune diseases.
On 11th October Dr. Anna Huysse talked with Susanna Halonen about: ‘Positive emotions and immunity’. In this webinar they are talking about positive emotions and the role they have in health and wellbeing. Susanna Halonen also shares practical tips people can use to introduce more positivity into their life in a natural way.
In the webinar ‘Your voice and immunity’ Roger Love, #1 vocal coachhas been our guest.
For long we know that singing decreases stress hormones as cortisol and boosts our mood. Reducing anxiety takes strain off immune system so it can fight disease. Though, the last research findings go further: just one hour of singing significantly increased levels of the immune proteins that the body uses to battle serious illnesses. Singing for an hour results not just in significant reductions in stress hormones, such as cortisol, but increases in cytokines, immune proteins that boost the body’s ability to fight serious illness. Moreover, singing stimulates the vagus nerve and from there decreases dramatically inflammation, involved in autoimmune diseases as Hashimoto.
What about if singing and talking have the same effect on our health? What are the essential components of speaking/singing?
In the webinar ‘Introduction to immunity’ Carolin Hoffmann, a researcher with an international background in the field of Neuroscience and protein expression with a special interest in Neuropsychoimmunology:
- introduced the basic concepts in immunology
- talked about the adaptive immune response
- elaborated on the immune system in health and disease
Dr. Ricahrd Schwartz was our guest in the last webinar ‘Inner Family Systems and our health’.
Psychological states play a key role in the development and exacerbation of inflammatory diseases as autoimmune disorders.
Inner Family Systems has been used by patients with an autoimmune condition (rheumatoid arthritis). The intervention proved to be feasible and acceptable complementary help to the medical management of the disease. The results show sustained improvement in depressive symptoms and a reduction of the joint pain. We discussed how and why to apply the Inner Family Systems to Hashimoto thyroiditis.
A wonderful presentation of prof. Andrea Evers, a leading expert in psychoneurobiology of somatic complaints and conditions (e.g. chronic inflammatory conditions), with particular emphasis on placebo effects, stress mechanisms, and treatments, during the webinar ‘The power of placebo effect on our health’.
‘Placebo is not fake, it is physical mechanism.’
Prof. Fabrizio Benedetti
Deirder Fay LICSW is one of the top worldwide trauma specialist. In the webinar ‘Trauma and our health’ she shares her extensive experience of exploring trauma, attachment, yoga and meditation. As you will see, she teaches what she preaches.
Reset Your Immune System: Hashimoto’s Heart
Welcome to the most exciting, sophisticated and evidence-based transformational program available for Hashimoto’s today. For long, mind
Reset your immune system: Hashimoto’s gut
After fifteen years of working successfully with many autoimmune patients and scientific investigation, I decided to combine all
Risk assessment
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