The same as plants, we humans have a chemical reaction to light through photosynthesis. When particles of light come in contact with the skin, they are absorbed by light-sensitive molecules inside cells, which produce a response. The response is different depending on the wavelength, color, light and where it’s used.
Phototherapy is applied to:
• blue light to treat acne and moderate psoriasis
• red light to treat wrinkles
• white or blue light for treating depression
But the researchers studying light therapy believe that with the right doses, wavelengths, and techniques, it has been used broader like for example by chronic pain, decline in memory and thinking skills.
New research findings show that:
• Near-infrared light (a slightly longer wavelength than red) applied to the skin eased neck pain immediately after treatment and for weeks to follow.
• When dementia patients wore a device that gives off near-infrared light to the skull and inside the nostril for 20-25 minutes daily for 12 weeks, they perform better on memory and thinking tests.
• When rats are exposed to green LED light through the retina, it boosts production of natural painkillers enkephalins in the spinal cord. In a human pilot, a green glow of a portable LED light 2 hours per day took away the pain of migraine and fibromyalgia patients.
What do you think, which is the color that can help Hashimoto thyroiditis patients?