Bacteria can trigger Hashimoto thyroiditis
The important relation between bacteria and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Although the complete elucidation about the causes of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Autoimmune thyroiditis remains uncertain, studies have suggested that this pathology can be triggered by multiple factors resulting from a person’s genetic predisposition, combined with environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, we can highlight infections caused by […]
The link between trauma and autoimmune disease
Physical and psychological distress play a role in the development of autoimmune disease as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Many studies confirm the effect of different stressors on the function of the immune system. In addition, many retrospective studies have shown that up to 80% of patients reported uncommon emotional stress before disease onset. The immune system plays […]
Keep goiter from getting any bigger by Hashimoto’s
This is Shelley’s question: ‘I’ve been taking Synthroid for 2 years, and my goitre has grown larger anyways. Will I need surgery or are there other things to try to keep my goiter from getting any bigger? I feel like I’m not getting enough air when I lay down at night.’ Dear Shelley, please, understand […]
Adrenal glands and Hashimoto’s
Adrenal Glands The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and weigh just 5 grams each. But per gram of tissue the adrenals have one of the highest rates of blood flow and the highest concentration of vitamin C. There are two parts of the adrenal gland: cortex and medulla. The cortex produces the […]
Cold sensitivity and environmental sensitivity by Hashimoto thyroiditis
In humans, body temperature is controlled by the thermoregulatory centre in the hypothalamus. Thyroid is controlling metabolic heat production. This process is called thermogenesis. Thyroid is playing a role of a thermostat, keeping constant temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, which is essential the processes in our body. When healthy, the thyroid dynamically reacts to changes […]
Weight loss, exercise and Hashimoto thyroiditis
To provide you with an accurate advice for weight management, we need to know what causes your weight gain on first place, Arlana and Lisa. This may differ not just per person but also per period of your life (period of hormonal changes: pregnancy, (pre)menopause), development stage of Hashimoto’s (early stages more often changes in […]
Q & A: Iodine supplementation when having Hashimoto’s
Thank you for your question, Pamela. Indeed there is some mixed opinions on this topic. Some research findings provide evidence that iodine can cause health issues as thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions. Others show that iodine supplementation can lead to improvement in these conditions. My opinion is that both conclusions are correct in certain circumstances. […]
The immune system is sensitive to pH and temperature changes
The immune system seems to be sensitive to pH and temperature changes as well as vice versa. More acidic environment is necessary in order of the immune system to do its job: destroy foreign invasion as infection and/or for removal of nonviable tissue damaged by trauma. Some confirmation of the relationship between pH and immune […]