Maternal depression alters stress and immune biomarkers in mother and child
Maternal depression has been repeatedly linked with negative child outcomes as increased psychopathology: poor socioemotional adaptation, externalizing (conduct) and internalizing symptom (anxiety/depression, somatic complaints, social withdrawal), and emotion dysregulation. In addition, maternal depression is related to poor physical health throughout life. Studies show that prenatal maternal depressive symptoms are associated with poor physical health across […]
Eating sour and risk taking
The battle with Hashimoto’s leads many capable, devoted and talented people to withdraw from their jobs, hobbies, and community activities. As a consequence of the disease itself and by often not being understood by medical professionals, family and friends, being alone, many Hashimoto’s withdraw, isolate themselves and start to doubt their capabilities and feel insecure […]
Fertility and depression
Many people with Hashimoto thyroiditis experience problems to conceive or/and have a higher chance to have problematic pregnancy. Psychological problems as depression are also often going hand in hand with Hashimoto’s. Depression is even more common in women with infertility. Women with depression are less likely to conceive and have a lower live birth rate […]
Autoimmune thyroiditis and psychiatric disorders
Recently, the connection between autoimmunity and psychiatric disorders has been discovered for various autoimmune diseases. Evidence is accumulating that some psychiatric disorders have an autoimmune basis. Study of German researchers team published this month at JAMA Psychiatry uses a sample of 36 174 participants, equally distributed between depression and anxiety. Patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto […]
Etiology of mental illness
It is already over 100 years of research on the etiology of mental illness. And we still do not have a clear answer what causes mental illness. This can be explained by the fact that we keep dividing disease into mental and physical. And our common assumption still often is that the brain is the […]